Wellbeing classes in the Cotswolds

Weekly classes at Zen

Zen at House Spa offers a weekly timetable of wellness classes, including breathwork, crystal sound baths, Qi Gong, meditation, yoga and more.

These classes and therapies are available to hotel guests, local residents and visitors to Farncombe estate.

Spaces are limited, so please book classes in advance. Contact the House Spa to reserve your space.

Please note: While our Zen classes are available to the public and guests staying in other Farncombe hotels, access to the house spa, pool and thermal suite is only available to Dormy House Hotel guests.



Bookings and enquiries

Tel: 01386 859910
Email: spa@dormyhouse.co.uk

Wellness classes

Therapies and consultations

Zen brochure

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Crystal Sound Bath

Class Overview

Monday 11am
60-minute group session with Jo Fellows.

Price: £35 per person
Location: The Meditation Space

A deeply relaxing and for some, spiritual practice
You will be guided through a relaxing meditation using the beautiful sounds of the crystal bowls. The session is a complete escape from the day-to-day rush of life and will centre and focus you whilst leaving you feeling mentally calmer and more relaxed.

Private classes are available on request:
£200 for up to 4 people | £25 per additional person, max 8 people

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Jo Fellows

Jo is an advanced yoga teacher, reiki master, sound therapist and meditation teacher. She has a passion for helping people to obtain a deep state of relaxation, peace and feeling of balance.


Class Overview

Monday 3pm and Saturday 10.30am
60-minute group session with Beth Winsor

A fusion of energising yoga postures to build strength and flexibility and finishing with a deep stretch sequence for relaxation.

Price: £20 per person
Location: Cameo Studio

Private classes available on request:
£80 for up to 2 people | £15 per additional person, max 12 people

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Beth Winsor – owner Cameo Studio

Beth is a yoga teacher, professional photographer and creator of Cameo Studio. Originally from the Philippines, she has lived in Tokyo, Japan for six years and Pune, India for 4 years. Home is currently the Cotswolds with her husband, two children, a temperamental Indian cat and two bunnies.

A road accident in Japan when she was in her 20s left her with a broken leg. Although she recovered from the accident, she always felt weaker on her left side. Yoga has helped her to develop the strength, balance and awareness in both body and mind that she didn’t realise she needed. She studied yoga in India with Total Yoga directors, Manish Pole and Neetu Singh. Beth’s classes are nourishing and creative. She enjoys teaching dynamic, powerful flows and combining this with mindful and slower movements.

Beth loves the seaside, massive coffee table books and karaoke! She teaches many yoga classes herself and has a fantastic team of instructors supporting her.

Breathwork and guided meditation

Class Overview

Wednesday 11am
60-minute group session with David Bowen-Davies

Our Rest & Recharge Breathwork session will benefit those wanting to feel less stressed, anxious, tired, or overwhelmed.

Price: £35 per person
Location: The Meditation Space

Private classes available on request:
£150 for up to 4 people | £25 per additional person, max 8 people

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Each unique session is expertly curated to stimulate the parasympathetic (rest and digest) branch of the central nervous system through an immersive combination of guided breathwork, mindfulness, visualisation and sound.

Expect to leave feeling profoundly relaxed and regenerated on a physical and emotional level. You will also have learned practical techniques to support your own physical and mental health on a daily basis.

David Bowen-Davies – Psychologist and Mind Coach

Unlock an extraordinary life by removing your internal barriers blocking change.

After experiencing many personal challenges in his own life, David sought help, received coaching and started to heal himself. Through this he learnt that his thoughts and how he perceived himself had been preventing transformational change. This lead him to study further culminating in him becoming a qualified coach and psychologist, helping other people to transform and realise their own version of an extraordinary life.

Qi Gong

Class Overview

Tuesday 11am – 12pm with Kevin Devaney
Thursday 2pm with Karen Soo
60-minute group session

Qi Gong is an ancient Chinese healing art and self-cultivation system. This includes simple, gentle movement, posture, breathing techniques, self-massage and meditation.

Price: £35 per person
Location: The Meditation Space

Private classes available on request:
£150 for up to 4 people | £25 per additional person, max 8 people

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These practices can improve and maintain health: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. We bring in fresh “Qi” (life energy) to nourish and energise the body. At the same time the mind is calmed, bringing a welcome balance to our lives.

The session will bring more vitality, peace and freedom into your life!

Karen Soo

Certified by the Tai Chi, Qigong and Feng Shui Institutes

Karen is well known in the Cotswolds for offering weekly indoor and outdoor community classes, online classes, bi-annual workshops and organises the annual World Tai Chi and Qigong Day in Cheltenham. She also shares Qigong at residential homes and schools as well as outdoor summer festivals and charity events. She enjoys bringing the benefits of Qigong to men and women of the NHS and various companies and has appeared on radio shows and television programmes. She continues to study and attend training workshops and courses with many inspiring Tai Chi and Qigong teachers from around the world.

‘When we practise Qigong, we allow our own natural healing power to balance and harmonise within us so we can enjoy a life of vitality, peace, joy and freedom.’
